27 Natural Remedies on How to Get Rid of Laugh Lines: Remove Smile Wrinkles Around Mouth Naturally

How to Get Rid of Laugh Lines

How do you get rid of laugh lines? And are there any home remedies for removing wrinkles around mouth? Crease-like indentations around the mouth, which are called laugh lines or nasolabial folds, usually affect middle- and older-aged people. Deep lines around your mouth and nasolabial folds and lip lines on lips become more visible as we age.

how to get rid of laugh lines

Laugh lines and lines around mouth and nose are caused over the years by normal mouth movements, such as smiling. Movements that cause the skin to crease in the same place repeatedly, including smile, can wear down the underlying tissue in that specific spot.

Among many reasons that can cause smile lines, aging is something that is hard to stop. But, it is always possible to delay the process of aging and reduce laugh lines by keeping your skin healthy.

Home Remedies to Remove Smile Lines Around Mouth


There are many natural ways on how to get rid of wrinkles around mouth. Effective skin care is one of the best ways to remove deep laugh lines and to avoid botox for lines around mouth. Here are a few home remedies that can help you get rid of smile wrinkles around the mouth. The home remedies for wrinkles around the mouth focus on keeping your lips and the skin around healthy and moisturized regularly.

Lemon Juice and Honey to Reduce Laugh Lines


If you don't find your smile lines funny, you can reduce their appearance using lemon juice. Cut a lemon in half and dab it to the laugh lines around your mouth or apply lemon juice. The high concentration of Vitamin-C in lemon will neutralize free radicals. To remove laugh lines naturally, make this a habit of massaging lemon juice and honey on the wrinkles gently.

Massage with Olive Oil to Correct Laugh Lines


Olive oil is best known for its anti-aging properties. One simple remedy for reducing wrinkles around mouth is the application of olive oil. You can simply apply olive oil on your lips and on the skin around your lips, and leave it over night to get rid of lip lines on lips. Or, you can also use it to massage the skin.

In order to get rid of the wrinkles around the mouth you should have a palm placed on each cheek and use zigzag movements to massage the area around the mouth. You may also cup your hands around the chin and lift upwards with fast and light movements.

Papaya to Get Rid of Wrinkles around Mouth


Papaya contains enzymes that is best to reduce laugh lines. Cut a small piece of papaya and massage your face with the papaya. The Papain enzymes of papaya help rebuild elastin. Elastin is a natural fiber in the skin, which is used to keep the skin firm and supple. The rebuilding of these fibers helps reduce wrinkling.

You can also blend papaya fruit into a pulp and then mix with equal parts cooked, but cooled, oatmeal. Apply to the skin and leave on as a face mask for 30 minutes. Or, mix papaya and banana together and apply to the deep lines around mouth for treating smile wrinkles naturally.

Grape Seed Extract for Laugh Lines Removal


Another best natural way remove laugh lines is applying grape seed extract. Because of its antioxidant properties, grape seed extract is capable to restore elasticity to your wrinkled skin. Massage the grape seed extract into your deep wrinkles around mouth daily to keep your skin looking young. This will help erase the laugh lines fast. This essential oil is useful in getting rid of laugh lines around eyes and crows feet wrinkles too.

Pumpkin Seed Oil to Remove Smile Lines


You can also use pumpkin seed oil, which is highly nourishing and lubricating oil, and is useful for all skin types. Pumpkin seed oil contains Sodium hyaluronate and fatty acids, which help hydrate and moisturize the skin thus help get rid of smile wrinkles. You can also ground pumpkin seeds and mix them in olive oil and apply this mixture for delaying aging and wrinkles.

Emu Oil for Eliminating Laugh Lines


To eliminate nasolabial folds, be sure to moisturize with pure emu oil. Emu oil thickens, tightens and hydrates loose skin, plumps up and smoothes wrinkles and deep smile lines around mouth and nose. Emu oil also makes a great under-the-eye moisturizer and for treating small dry patches of skin.

Coconut Oil Remedy for Wrinkles around Mouth


Coconut oil is one of the best natural moisturizer that fights against wrinkles. Coconut oil has the ability to penetrate deep into the inner skin layers and enhances collagen production and turn over. Coconut oil has some anti-aging or anti-wrinkle properties that make it suitable for treating laugh lines around mouth.

Massage coconut oil onto areas of the face that are prone to wrinkles before you sleep every night. You can even mix in vitamin E into the coconut oil for best results. Coconut oil mixed with castor oil is also very good home remedy for removing smile lines around mouth.

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    Take coconut oil and mix little sugar to it, then gently massage the mixture over and around your mouth and rinse away. This is probably one of the simplest and at the same time most effective home remedies to correct laugh lines.

    Avocados for Reducing laugh Lines


    Lines around nose and mouth and smokers lines are generally deep so using a multi-ingredient facial mask is beneficial. Avocados have a high moisture element and are high on skin care Vitamin E.

    The following natural mask using avocado will help you reduce laugh lines fast. Mash one-half of a ripe avocado with one teaspoon of honey and yogurt. Apply this face mask around your mouth and leave for 20 minutes to remove smile lines. It will help soften the fine lines around lip and mouth, making it a great home remedy for smile lines.

    Apply Egg Whites to Reduce Wrinkles around Mouth


    Egg whites are a temporary natural remedy to reduce the appearance of smile lines. Egg whites can be useful for tightening skin, at the same time, reducing formation of laugh lines and crow’s-feet. Apply egg white on your skin to treat fine lines around the mouth and sagging skin around mouth and laugh lines. Leave the mask on for fifteen or twenty minutes and then rinse off with warm water to get rid of nasolabial folds.

    Egg white contains plenty of vitamins and proteins, and helps to nourish as well as tighten the skin around mouth.

    Egg Whites and Olive Oil Face Mask


    Also try this DIY Anti aging egg white face mask to treat red lines around mouth and lip lines on lips: beat 1 egg white until smooth and mix some olive oil, lemon juice in to the egg whites. Simply apply the egg white as a thin, even layer all over your face and leave it on for a few minutes. Then, with a warm, wet washcloth, scrub the egg whites off your face.

    This natural wrinkle treatment can be used to get rid of wrinkles under eyes and laugh lines around eyes. You can also apply egg white directly beneath the eye skin to cure the crow's feet.

    Omega 3 Fish Oil to Remove Laugh Lines


    Fish oil is best for reducing laugh lines, remove lip wrinkles, as well as firm and tighten the loose skin around mouth. It can help reduce deep nasolabial folds and may minimize the appearance of existing wrinkles around mouth. Omega-3 fatty acids help normalize skin lipids and dehydration in your cells.

     Omega 3 fish oil control skin damages and provide skin tightening. Apply fish oil around the mouth wrinkle or smile line. This is one of the best ways to get rid of deep smile lines around the mouth naturally.

    Aloe vera Remedy For Laugh Lines Removal


    Aloe vera is one of the best natural moisturizer that you can use. Rubbing and massaging smile wrinkles with aloe vera gel has been found to be an effective natural remedy for wrinkles around mouth. This natural moisturizer helps in hydrating the skin and decreasing laugh lines.

    You can also apply aloe vera gel to delicate skin around your eyes to get rid of under eye wrinkles and crows feet wrinkles around eyes.

    Also Read:

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    2. Get Rid of Upper Lip Wrinkles
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    Homemade Face Cream to Get Rid of Laugh Lines



    You can make a nourishing facial cream at home for removing smile lines and deep wrinkles around mouth. For preparing this homemade cream, take a few teaspoons of cream, 1 slice of avocado and a handful of flaxseeds, and 1 tea spoon of honey. Mix all ingredients in a blender to make a cream at home that is rich in vitamins and minerals for wrinkle cure and treatment.

    Try this at home wrinkle treatment correct laugh lines naturally.

    Exfoliation Treatment for Laugh Lines


    Exfoliation is the key to keeping your skin healthy and fresh and reduce laugh lines. Baking soda is an amazing exfoliant for eliminating laugh lines. For a gentle exfoliation, use this mixture: Mix three parts baking soda to one part water in a bowl to a thick paste.

    Splash your face with water, grab some of the mixture and gently scrub it on your face in a circular motion and rinse clean. Apply this remedy maximum 2-3 times a week only, as baking soda acts as an exfoliator and over exfoliation is not good for your skin.

    Almonds to Get Rid of Smile Lines


    A home remedy for getting rid of laugh lines comprises of almonds paste. Take some almonds and grind them into fine powder and mix it with milk cream and honey and make a thin paste. Apply this anti-aging facial mask to help hydrate skin, smooth fine lines, slough away dead cells and unclog pores. This one of the best home remedies that can help you get rid of smile lines.

    Oatmeal Face Mask for Laugh Line Removal 


    To get rid of smile lines, or indentations on either side of the face around the mouth, oatmeal is a great choice as well. Oatmeal mask help to remove or reduce red lines around the mouth. Blend 2 tablespoons of papaya pulp with 1 tablespoon of dry oatmeal and apply it to your face. It will help cure wrinkles.

    This home remedy is as effective as anti-aging and anti-wrinkle creams and products. This natural remedy will also help get rid of dark spots around mouth.

    Remove Smile Lines using Turmeric Powder

    Wrinkles around the mouth can make a person look older than wrinkles anywhere else on the face. For those struggling with laugh lines, apply a paste made from mixing turmeric powder and sugar cane juice to get rid of dark laugh lines.

    A mixture of milk and turmeric is also good for removing smile lines and wrinkles around lips. Do this treatment regularly to get rid of nasolabial folds around mouth fast.

    Green Tea Remedy for Laugh Lines


    Green Tea provides many benefits along with the wrinkle-free skin. The anti-oxidant content of green tea leaves works to prevent fine wrinkles around mouth. Therefore, drink tea on a daily basis to get rid of smile lines around your nose and mouth. This will detoxify your skin and give you a fresh younger looking skin.

    You can apply green tea as a mask all over your face to treat wrinkles around mouth, crow's feet, laugh lines and other signs of aging. For removing mouth wrinkles and smile lines fast, make a paste with honey, grape seed oil, yogurt and powered green tea. Apply this on the wrinkles and leave it for some time. Then gently rinse it off. Green tea also helps to reduce sagging skin around mouth.

    Laugh Lines Treatment using Cucumber


    You can use cucumbers daily to freshen up your face and remove the appearance of fine wrinkles around eyes and mouth. Cucumber will soften the skin and remove smile lines. Mash cucumber and apply the juice or directly place sliced cucumber slices on your skin around mouth and eyes to reduce mouth wrinkles, laugh lines and crows feet around eyes.

    Rice Powder for Removing Dark Mouth Wrinkles


    Rice powder has anti-aging properties that helps to protect against wrinkles, sun damage, blemishes, and pigmentation. Rose water mixed with rice powder can be used to remove wrinkles around mouth, chin, and forehead wrinkles.

    Take some rice powder. Mix rose water and milk in it so as to make a thick smooth paste. Apply this face pack on your wet face, and let it stay for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water. This facial pack will tighten and brighten your skin around mouth, removing laugh lines. Honey can also be used with rice powder to reduce wrinkles around mouth and eyes.

    Vitamin E for Removing Laugh Lines


    Vitamin E is an effective home remedy for the removal of smile wrinkles or nasolabial folds. Dab some vitamin E oil gently around your mouth to prevent and reduce smile wrinkles and sagging skin around mouth.

    Another best home remedy to help remove laugh lines is to make a paste with Vitamin E oil and aloe vera gel and apply to the finelines. Remain it on for 10 minutes and wash it off using warm water. This is one of the best natural smile line treatments at home.

    Fenugreek to Get Rid Of Dark Laugh Lines


    Fenugreek is a very good option for removing smile wrinkles and fine lines around lips. Fenugreek leaves, seeds and even oil work as an antidote for different skin problems, including smile lines. When the paste of fenugreek seeds mixed with honey is applied on the face, it helps to prevent wrinkles around mouth, nasolabial fold lines and eye wrinkles.

     Fenugreek contains niacin (vitamin B3) which helps repair damaged skin cells and reduce wrinkles around mouth. Fenugreek leaves are very helpful in removal of dark spots around mouth.

    Cold Milk Home Remedy for Laugh Lines


    Cold milk can be applied in regular intervals which help to restore good skin. Take one tablespoon of milk and soak a cotton ball in it and apply it to ease the appearance of smile lines. Leave the solution on for 10 minutes before rinsing it. Milk can also be used to diminish the appearance of laugh lines and crows feet around eyes.

    DIY Banana and Honey Face Mask for Fine Lines


    Bananas are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that combat the causes of wrinkles and fine lines. To get rid of wrinkles around mouth, you may apply a facial mask consisting of banana and honey over your face. The bananas help hydrate dry, irritated skin, which causes wrinkles. Using this wrinkle remedy twice per week will rejuvenate your skin and treat nasolabial folds in a natural manner.

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    Acupressure Treatment for Laugh Lines around Mouth


    The muscles around the mouth in women are closer to the skin than in men, which may pull the skin in tighter, causing smile wrinkles. Acupressure is a technique will tone the thin, delicate skin around the lips to reduce fine laugh lines. Acupressure cosmetic treatment involves massaging the specific acupressure points on your face.

    Facial beauty pressure points are located at bottom of the cheekbones in line with the corners of the mouth. The facial massage consists in pressing these points to increase blood flow.

    Quit Smoking to Get Rid Of Smile Lines


    This is one of the best natural treatments on how to get rid of deep lines around mouth and vertical lines above lip. Smoking is perhaps the most common cause of premature wrinkles, especially, around the mouth and lips. The nicotine present in tobacco smoke decreases the quality of blood, causing premature aging in most parts of the body.

    The heat that emanates from the smoke is also responsible for sapping out the moisture present in the lips, making them dry and causing wrinkles around mouth, wrinkles above the upper lip or smokers lines.

    Consume Antioxidant Foods for Treating Smile Wrinkles


    Intake of foods rich in antioxidants is essential for preventing the signs of aging, including the formation of deep wrinkles around mouth and fine lines on lips. By eating antioxidant-rich foods such as whole grains, broccoli, red grapes, berries, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, and garlic, you can prevent and reduce smile lines and sagging skin around mouth.

    Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants and essential fats needed to nourish the skin and fight free radicals. Vitamin C-rich foods promote healthy skin and prevent loss of elasticity. Avocado is high in vitamin E, which moisturizes the skin from within. These skin care foods help to tighten up your skin around mouth, which can help remove laugh lines and smile wrinkles that are caused by age.

    It is not necessary to pay for expensive cosmetic treatments to reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles around your mouth. Get rid of deep smile wrinkles around mouth with simple natural ways. If you want to get rid of smile line naturally, then its best to eliminate them via the listed home remedies that are easy to follow and yield great results.

    In addition to the above home remedies for laugh lines, you should also make sure you are getting healthy diet and drinking sufficient amount of water.

    Keeping your skin moisturized all the time can help to get rid of laugh lines and nasolabial folds effectively. Facial exercises firm the jaw and reduce laugh lines. Get rid of wrinkles around the mouth with daily facial yoga and facial muscle toning exercises. It is best to avoid over expose to sun to reduce wrinkles around mouth or smile lines naturally and avoid lines around mouth botox.

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