7 Best Treatments to Get Rid of Upper Lip Wrinkles or Smoker’s Lines
How to Get Rid of Upper Lip Wrinkles - Best Treatment for Wrinkles above Lips
Deep lines on the upper lip and around the mouth are called perioral wrinkles. Upper lip wrinkles can be annoying and lead to an unattractive you! How to get rid of upper lip lines? There are several surgical and non surgical treatment options to remove upper lip lines and wrinkles above lips.
Wrinkles on Upper Lip - Best Treatment for Lines above Lips
Lip wrinkles and vertical lines above lip are often caused by smoking. While you smoke, you unwillingly keep contracting your lips in a way that by time causes increased wrinkles around the mouth and lip lines on lips and wrinkles on upper lip, often referred to as smokers' lines. Spending time in the sun is one of the major causes of deep lines around lips, lines around mouth and nose and everywhere else.
Wrinkles on upper lips or smoker’s lines can give an aging appearance to your face. However, you can reduce those deep lines on the upper lip to get a younger look. Here are the best way to get rid of upper lip wrinkles fast.
Botox on How to Get Rid of Lines above upper Lip
Botox injection to vertical lines above lips can also reduce smoker's lines or wrinkles above lips wrinkles. Botox decreases muscle contraction which helps reduce dynamic lines above upper lip - wrinkles caused by movement. In the more severe cases of smoker's lines, a small amount of Botox is injected into the top lip to help reduce the amount of muscle movement and improve the lip rejuvenation process. When performed correctly, there are usually no side effects.
You must be careful not to rub the lip area after upper lip wrinkle treatment to avoid spreading the toxin to other parts of your face, however.
Lip Wrinkle Creams to Remove Deep Lines on the Upper Lip
Over-the-counter wrinkle creams is one of the best treatment for upper lip liness that can reduce the appearance of smoker’s lines and wrinkles around lips without surgery. There are several over-the-counter wrinkle cream products on the market that encourage skin to boost collagen production and reduce above lip wrinkles.
Retinol, hydroxy acids, Coenzyme Q10, copper peptides, kinetin, and tea extracts are all active ingredients in the best upper lip wrinkle creams. These ingredients in smokers lines cream helps in treating smoker’s lines, deep wrinkles around your lips, and wrinkles under eyes.
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How to Get Rid of Smoker’s Lines with Facial Exercise
Facial exercises are one of the best non surgical treatment options to remove vertical lip lines or smoker’s wrinkles. Do a few simple lip exercises daily in order to reduce lines above lips without the need to undergo cosmetic surgery.
To help keep your lips smooth and free of above lip wrinkles, perform this exercise: curl your upper lip, commonly called a "fish pout, and hold it in position with the index finger. Move your fingers slowly down towards the corners of your mouth, without relaxing the upper-lip curl. Repeat this lip exercise 10 times on a daily basis. This is the best treatment for wrinkles above lips.
Remove Deep Lines on the Upper Lip using Chemical Peels
Chemical peeling treatment uses a chemical solution to improve the deep lines above the upper lip and wrinkles around mouth. Using chemical peels, outer layers of the damaged or wrinkled skin are removed, encouraging the growth of new and improved skin. Multiple types of chemicals are used for peels, such as alphahydroxy acids or phenol.
AHA's are a category of peeling agents that includes glycolic acid, lactic acid, and fruit acids. They are considered the mildest of the peel formulas and produce light peels. The right chemical peel depends on what your goals are for your skin.
Upper Lip Wrinkles Fillers - Injectable Fillers to Get Rid of Smoker’s Lines
Upper lip filler for wrinkles is also one of the best upper lip wrinkles treatment options to get rid of deep vertical lines around the mouth. Fillers for wrinkles on top lip restore youthful contours to the skin to smooth away moderate to severe facial wrinkles,smokers wrinkles, smile lines, and vertical smokers lips wrinkles. Deep lines above lips can be improved with fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane. Injectable fillers should be administered by your physician.
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Laser Treatment to Remove Deep Lines on the Upper Lip
This is another best treatment for lines above upper lip. Laser skin resurfacing offers a long-term or permanent solution for your deep wrinkles above lips. Carbon dioxide laser (CO2) is proven to effectively treat the smokers lips wrinkles or smoker’s lines. If the wrinkles above lips are deep, a fractional laser device can also be quite helpful. The laser heats deeper layers of the skin, which stimulates the growth of new collagen.
With a series of treatments, you can effectively remove the deep lines associated with perioral wrinkles and smokers wrinkles. Your skin around lips will also appear more even in tone with this non surgical laser treatment option.
How to Get Rid of Smokers lips Wrinkles - Lines on upper Lip Home Remedies
Upper lip wrinkles home remedies are also effective for reducing wrinkled lips, horizontal wrinkle above lip and vertical lip creases. There exists many remedies to remove upper lip wrinkles naturally. Most importantly, exfoliation is done to eliminate the upper layer of our skin.
Exfoliate your lips and skin around mouth regularly to remove dead cells, leaving new ones that look brighter and tighter. Use a soft baby toothbrush or a mild scrub to exfoliate your lips regularly. After that, lubricate the lip area with a natural moisturizer.
You can hide or remove vertical lines above lips and wrinkles around mouth naturally by using natural oils like almond oil, live oil, vitamin E oil, etc. Regular application of these natural skin care oils will remove wrinkles on the upper lip.
Cinnamon paste for upper lip wrinkles is the best non surgical treatment for upper lip lines. You can try cinnamon paste to remove lines from lips and erase lines above lips. Using cinnamon powder is one of the easiest remedies that can help to get rid of the lip lines and mouth wrinkles. Mix 1 teaspoon cinnamon with few drops coconut or olive oil and apply the mix onto your lips.
Exfoliating the wrinkled lips with this cinnamon paste helps produce new collagen which help to hide or reduce vertical lines above lips and smokers lines. This is one of the best home remedies for lines on upper lip. It is also important to protect your face from UV rays.
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The above-mentioned remedies and treatment methods for above lip wrinkles will definitely help you in getting rid of the lines above lips or smoker’s lines. It is possible to look younger than your real age by following these treatment for upper lip wrinkles.