9 Best Tips to Remove Smokers Lines: Get Rid of Smokers Lips and Vertical Lines around Mouth

Smokers Lines - Smokers Lips Lines around Mouth

Smokers lines are the greatest fear for many women. Smoker's lips are characterized by vertical wrinkles around the mouth. Whether you call them smokers wrinkles or feathering, those vertical lines above upper lip can cause you to appear older than your age. However, there exist natural remedies for smokers lips and tips to remove lines around nose and mouth. Try these and avoid lines around mouth botox or juvederm for smokers lines.


how to get rid of smokers lines

Moisture and elasticity in the skin makes it young and supple. As we age, our skin loses moisture and elasticity, making it prone to mouth lines, lip lines on lips and lines above lips. However, some people are more prone to wrinkles than others. This is especially true for smokers. Smokers tend to develop deep lines around the mouth or smokers wrinkles. The repetitive physical action of smoking creates lines around the lips. Smoking leads to premature skin aging and vertical deep lines around lips often called smokers lines.

Deep Lines around Lips - Tips to Remove Mouth Lines Naturally

How to get rid of smokers lines? Here are some of the best tips on how to get rid of lines on lips naturally. Follow these skincare tips for smokers lines on lips and remove those ugly lines around the mouth from smoking.

1. Quit Smoking


Smoking leaves the facial skin very susceptible to vertical lines above lip. Once the signs of aging appear around the mouth and the lips in particular, it is time to quit smoking. The sooner you stop smoking, the fewer smokers wrinkles and lines above lips you will develop. This is the best treatment for smokers lines around mouth.

2. Supplementation of vitamin C and vitamin E


Cigarette smoke may speed up ageing by producing free radicals. Usually free radicals break down skin cells and collagen in the skin resulting in fine lines around mouth and smokers lip lines. Smokers absolutely need a higher amount of vitamins and minerals to help in the defense of this breakdown. The supplementation of vitamin C and vitamin E is beneficial to protect against smoking-related skin damage and also help remove red lines around mouth and nose.

3. Facial massage


When exposed to repetitive movement of the underlying muscles, smokers lips appear between the bottom of the nose and the upper lip that are common to smokers. A facial massage is one of the best natural ways to diminish the appearance of lines around mouth from smoking. Face massaging helps to increase the blood circulation and tightens the muscles and tissues around the mouth and remove lip lines on lips, smokers lines or vertical lip lines.

4. Coconut oil


Coconut oil is best for removing lines around mouth and smokers lines. Massaging your mouth lines and upper lip wrinkles with coconut oil daily before going to bed is beneficial for getting rid of smoking lines around mouth. When used as massage oil for the skin, coconut oil is an effective moisturizer.

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5. Egg Whites Remedy


Another natural tip for removing smokers wrinkles and upper lip lines is the application of egg whites. Apply a facial pack comprising of egg white with a few drops of lemon around the vertical lines above lip area. Wash it off after 15 minutes to get rid of lines around nose and mouth.

 6. Consume More Water


Drink plenty of water throughout the day as an effective smokers lines treatment. Drinking more water help you to remain hydrated in order to plump up the smokers wrinkles and red lines around lips and make them less noticeable. Six to eight glasses of water are the recommended dietary requirement to prevent smokers lips and deep upper lip wrinkles and help to maintain the body's elasticity.

7. Avoid Harsh Cleansing Products


Be gentle when washing your face. Avoid harsh soaps that can rob your skin of its natural oils. Instead, use a gentle soap or liquid cleanser. This is one of the best tips to treat mouth lines and upper lip wrinkles effectively.

8. Use over-the-counter glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy lotion


Apply an over-the-counter glycolic acid or alpha hydroxy lotion to the smoking lines around mouth. It will encourage skin cell regeneration and help the skin in removing smoker’s lines or upper lip wrinkles.

9. Use Moisturize


Dehydrated skin is more vulnerable, less elastic and is more susceptible to the formation of deep lines around mouth and lines above upper lip. A facial moisturizer can help to prevent dry skin. Apply moisturizer around mouth on a regular basis to seal the moisture and keep your skin smooth and supple. Use a sunscreen-containing moisturizer to the smokers wrinkles. Apply a sunscreen product with an SPF of 15 to get rid of mouth lines effectively.

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 These are some effective natural remedies and tips for removing smokers lines or vertical lines above lip. Follow these lines around mouth and nose removal tips to take care of your skin. You can also apply lip wrinkle creams that contain natural ingredients to get rid of smokers lips.

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