12 Best Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Lips from Smoking: Treatments to Lighten Smokers Lips Naturally

Get Rid of Dark Lips from Smoking

Dark lips can be very unattractive and unsightly. If you have dry dark lips due to smoking, cessation of smoking is one of the best ways to get rid of smoker’s dark lips. You can use a lip skin lightening cream, available at department and drug stores, to lighten dark lips. Apart from that, there are several natural treatments and home remedies to get rid of nicotine staining that appear on the smokers lips.


how to get rid of dark lips

Smokers are simply more susceptible to lip discoloration, dark spots on lips and dryness. Darkened lips can result from months and years of cigarette smoking. Chain smoking affects the lips due to its nicotine content, which blackens the lips.

Best Natural Treatments to Lighten Smokers Black Lips


You can begin taking care of the problem of dark spots on lips from smoking by making it a rule to apply sun screen to your lips several times a day. Here are some home remedies to get rid of dark lips from smoking cigarettes.

1. Exfoliate to Lighten Smokers Lips Naturally


First of all, clean and exfoliate your lip area to get rid of dry dark lips. How to lighten dark lips by exfoliating ? Baking soda is the best lip scrub for dark lips. Take your old tooth brush and put some baking soda on it. Gently scrub your lip skin with this diy lip scrub to get rid of the upper layer of dead skin and reveal the skin underneath. This is one of the best home remedies for dark line around lips.

2. Vitamin E Remedy to Get Rid of Dark Lips from Smoking


Vitamin E is a common ingredient in many skin care products, such as body lotions, anti-aging serums, moisturizers, and lip balms. Use vitamin E lip lightening balm with SPF throughout the day to keep your lips moisturized and to lighten dark line around lips from smoking.

3.  Lemon juice Treatment to Lighten Smokers Lips Naturally


Apply Lemon juice for dark line around lips. Dark lips remedy with the help of lemon juice is beneficial. Lemon juice has citric acid, which is a mild bleaching agent that brighten dark pigmented lips. Overnight application of a mixture of lemon juice and almond oil on your lips is a good fix for smokers who wish to retain a brighter lip color. This remedy can lighten dark lips in 3 days.

4. vitamin C to Get Rid of Dark Lips from Smoking


Apply vitamin C remedy to remove darkness around lips. Vitamin C has a vital role in repairing of skin cells and production of collagen, which is reduced by smoking. Supplying extra vitamin C in your diet is the best way to enhance collagen synthesis, and lighten smokers lips and remove dark patches on lips naturally.

5. Drink More Water


Most importantly make it a point to drink enough water and other fluids every day to counter the harmful effects of smoking on the lips such as dark patches on lips. It is the best natural and lasting remedy to get rid of dry lips and smokers dark line around lips. Smokers should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day to stay hydrated and to remove dark stains and spots on lip skin.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar is another best home remedies for lips turning dark. Try ACV to lighten the discolored tinge formed on the lips due to heavy smoking. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and dab it on lip skin daily to remove dark spots on lips from smoking.

7. Banana to Get Rid of Dark Lips from Smoking


Banana remedy to brighten dark lips. A paste made from banana, sour cream, and honey is an effective at-home treatment for lightening black lips. Apply a thick layer of the paste on your lips. Keep it on for about 20 minutes or so; then rinse with warm water and splash with cool water. Follow this lip lightening treatment on a regular basis to reduce dark stains from lips and make them look pink naturally.

8.Clarified Butter to Lighten Smokers Lips


Clarified butter is another of the effective darkening of lips home remedies. Try this natural treatment to make dark lips lighter: Massage your dry dark lips with clarified butter and leave a thin layer of it on lip as an overnight lip moisturizer. This natural treatment is best for removing the dark stain on lips due to smoking.

9. Application of Juices


Regular application of juice like pomegranate, coriander and beetroot juice is also said to be a great natural cure to remove darkness around lips corner and to get pink lips for men when they smoke lot and it is look so black.

10. Lemon and Honey remedy


Remove nicotine stains from lips by applying a paste made from lemon juice, honey, and cucumber. Skin bleaching properties of these ingredients helps in gradually lightening the dark lips caused by smoking, and also keeps them naturally moisturized. Another natural cure for dark lips.

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11. Home Remedy using Yogurt


Yogurt is another natural product that acts as a natural skin lightener. One of the best remedies for smokers lips lightening is massaging them with yogurt and honey mixture.

12. Rose Petals Remedy


Red rose petals are known for their astringent and skin whitening effect. Apply a mixture of crushed rose petals and glycerin for getting rid of the tinge on lips caused due to smoking.

These were some of the best natural treatments to reduce dark lips from smoking. Follow these home treatments and natural remedies to prevent dark lips from smoking and also brighten smoker’s black lips effectively.

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