Dark Patches on Skin - Remedies to Get Rid of Black Spots on the Skin

What Causes Dark Spots on Face?

Dark patches and spots on skin often appear on the skin due to overexposure to sunlight. This is more prominent in those who have a naturally light complexion. Local injuries may also leave behind dark marks on the skin. Another common cause for dark patches on the skin is acne. Sometimes, hormonal imbalances and intake of steroids may also cause dark spots to appear on the skin.

Getting Rid of Black Spots on the Skin

How to remove dark spots on face fast? There are quite a few simple yet effective natural means of getting rid of dark patches on the skin.

1. One of the most popular home remedies for getting rid of black spots on the skin is to rub the affected areas with the pulp of some crushed garlic. The strong juices of garlic cleanse the excess oil, dirt, germs and dead cells that accumulate in the pores on the surface of the skin and cause blemishes to appear.
2. Rubbing the dark patches on skin with a thin slice of onion also produces similar effects and makes dark spots disappear in a few weeks. You may also rub the black spots on skin with a slice of lemon as the citrus acid present in its juice acts as a natural bleaching agent and makes black marks fade away gradually.

3. For another remedy to get rid of black spots on face, dab the affected area with a ball of cotton wool soaked in some apple cider vinegar every night before going to bed. This acts as a natural exfoliating agent and maintains the pH level of the skin at an optimum, thereby making dark spots and marks slowly disappear.

4. Massaging the skin with some castor oil is another best treatment for dark spots on face.  This home remedy is helpful in fading away black marks caused by exposure to sunlight and due to ageing. You may also massage your skin with the juice of aloe vera leaves every day to make blemishes fade away.

5. Alternatively, you may also massage your black spots on skin with vitamin E oil after taking bath in order to lighten black marks. It is also useful to dab the skin with some buttermilk every day to reduce dark spots and patches on the skin as its mildly acidic nature works on the skin to gradually lighten pigmentation.

6. Hydrogen peroxide may also be applied topically on the skin to fade away brown spots suddenly appearing on skin. Hydrogen peroxide remedy is best for removing dark patches on skin as it acts as a natural bleaching agent.

7. In addition, grind a few sesame seeds and some turmeric together, add a little water to this mixture and apply this paste on the tiny black dots on skin to get an even complexion.
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