How to Get Rid of Laugh Lines - 4 Best Natural Methods to Get Rid Of Wrinkles around Mouth and Smile Lines

How to Get Rid Of Wrinkles around Mouth

Wrinkles around mouth and laugh lines appear naturally when we age. In reality, we can’t really stop this process. However, we have ways to slow the process down, help us to enjoy the young looking skin for longer time. Laugh lines around mouth appear when the collagen in our skin reduces; the skin then loses its elasticity. Here are some tips on how to get rid of wrinkles around mouth without surgery.

1. Get Rid Of Wrinkles around and Laugh Lines Mouth with Diet

Skin is the biggest organ of the body. So if we treat this organ right, it will react happily as well. So the biggest thing is probably to have a balance diet! Avoid junk food, processed food, excessive sugar intake; Try to lead a healthier diet which included plenty of vegetables, fruit. Drink on average of eight glasses of water a day, this will help hydrate the skin and remove smile lines.

Laugh lines and wrinkles around mouth are also caused by the oxidations of the skin due to free radicals. In order to get rid of mouth lines, you should provide the body with some anti oxidants such as q10, vitamin C; those two are powerful anti oxidants. Taking multi vitamin every day can help get rid of laugh lines.

2. Get Rid Of Wrinkles around Mouth with Lifestyle Changes

You should always have enough sleep, about seven to eight hours a day is recommended. Try to go to bed before 11 pm as the body will start to repair itself from 11pm to 1am. Gravity is one important factor that causes wrinkles and lines on our face, so try to sleep on your back most of the time. This will reduce to the minimum the effect that gravity has on our skin. This sleeping technique would not show instant results but in the long run, it will make significant improvement.

Try to be always positive and get rid of all the worries and pressure in your life. Remember worrying about things wouldn’t help solve them, instead just make out face have more wrinkles and lines appear. You may mistake that laugh and smile causes the laugh lines, but in fact laugh use less muscle than frowns. So keep a happy face!

3. Get Rid Of Wrinkles Laugh Lines with Sunscreen and Moisturizing Cream

Always use sunscreen whenever you have to be out in the sun, whether it is for only 30 minutes or several hours. Wear a big hat to prevent direct sunlight on the skin. And a pair of UV protection sunglasses is recommended. When you have to be in the Sun for long hours, or swimming, you should reapply sunscreen every certain period of time. Use sunscreen of at least SPF 30. This SPF 50 will protect you for about 8 hours. Also try to avoid the Sun from the period of 9am to 3pm as the harmful rays are the strongest at that period.

Wash the face twice a day; exfoliate skin once a week followed with moisturizing cream. Face cream which contains alpha hydroxyl acids can help in preventing and reducing wrinkles around mouth. Use moisturizing cream every day. Use special cream for fillingl augh lines and wrinkles around mouth. Lotion which contains Vitamin A, C and E can prevent mouth wrinkles and laugh lines. Face cream that has glycolic acid can be beneficial in preventing and eliminating laugh line wrinkles around mouth.

4. Get Rid Of Wrinkles around Mouth with Home Remedies

You can make anti wrinkle masks for removing wrinkles around mouth. Avocado pulp should produce a good mask against laugh lines. Apply avocado pulp on your skin around mouth and leave it for about 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. A mix of ripe banana and honey can be a good mask as well. Use papaya on your face as its enzymes can reduce the appearance of laugh lines around mouth. An exfoliation made from mixture of oatmeal and papaya and avocado is recommended for getting rid of old dead cells to leave space for new healthy cells to grow.

Hope, you find these tips on how to get rid of laugh lines and wrinkles around mouth helpful!
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