Get Rid of Dark Skin on Neck – 6 Best Home Remedies for Treating Dark Neck Skin

How to Get Rid of Dark Skin on the Neck

Frustrated on how you can easily get rid of a dark skin neck? This does not have to be a permanent thing. You can have gracefully, creamy-looking neck in no time. Dark skin on the neck is a common occurrence and many individuals experience this condition. This occurs, as we often neglect the neck while washing the other parts of our body.

The skin care routines that are performed on the face are rarely done on the neck. As such the exfoliation of dead skins cells on the neck does not take place. Dirt and sweat accumulates on the neck region making it appear darker than the facial complexion. The neck has folds of skin in which remnants of cosmetics and other debris gets collected. Exposure to the sun can also cause darkening of the skin especially if we ignore the neck while applying sun screen. Excessive fat around the neck leading to a double chin also causes the neck skin to darken.

Home Remedies for Dark Neck Skin

1. Avocados are a great source of vitamin E which is very beneficial to healthy skin. All you have to do is peel the avocado and smash it into a paste and apply it to the dark skin on neck for 30 minutes. After the treatment wash the paste off and dab dry the area. This will help lighten the dark skin on neck.

2. Another simple home remedy for neck skin lightening is mint. Apply fresh mint paste on the dark neck. You can add a little milk to smooth the paste if you wish. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash. It will lighten the darkened skin on neck and also enhances the texture of your neck skin.

3. Exfoliate the neck region using a facial scrub. Create an exfoliating scrub using crushed walnuts and yogurt to remove dark skin on neck. Mix 2 tablespoons plain yogurt with 2 teaspoons of finely ground walnuts. Wet your neck and gently work the scrub into the dark neck skin.

4. Manuka honey also helps in ensuring the progress of a lighter and even-toned complexion on the neck area. It has natural bleaching properties that primarily targets darker areas in the body. This is also helpful in promoting a dewy-looking skin with its several vitamins and minerals content that can vastly improve inner dermis health.

5. An excellent remedy for darkened neck skin is to make a paste of chick pea powder and lemon or orange juice. Add a bit of turmeric powder to the paste and apply it to the skin daily. Rose water may also be used instead of the lemon or orange juice if the skin is too sensitive. Leave the paste on for twenty minutes and then wash off with cool water after it dries.

6. Potato is one of the common home remedies for dark neck. Potato is a bleaching agent that lightens the patches, blemishes and dark skin on neck. Apply thin slices of potato on the darkened skin on neck and leave it for thirty minutes so that the juice is absorbed by the skin.
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